

Visit IridologyScotland's Facebook page (more links to social media at the bottom) for the latest info and for reviews on the service received.

Recent feedback included:

"⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ Carolyn is a absolute treasure. Her knowledge is second to none and her findings where uncannily accurate for someone I've never met before! Everything that was discussed makes complete sense and I cannot recommend this lovely lady more. If you have been at all unsure.. please do try it. You'll not be disappointed. Carolyn is obviously passionate about what she does and has sparked a light inside of myself to want to learn Iridology more than ever. Cannot thankyou enough" ~ L

"⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ Just had a session with Carolyn, and it was not only very interesting but her observations were spot on. Clearly a very knowledgeable and caring lady who has a total passion for her craft. Just from studying a picture of my eye she was able to accurately describe some of the health issues I manage and offer insight into changes I could make that would better support my wellness. I highly recommend. Thank you so much." S

"⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ I booked an iridology consultation in December 2019. I already knew of a few inner issues I was experiencing and wanted to know if they would be picked up on through the eye. well, I was completely blown away with my initial report as not only did it describe the issues I knew I was experiencing it also highlighted alot of toxcitity in every single body system. I was pretty worried to say the least but the advice given to me by Carolyn was very similar to the changes I had already made so I continued with the guidance and re submitted my eye shots 4 days ago to see if there had been any noticeable change. I would say the biggest habit I developed in December was to commit to at least 20mins of medative practise everyday where I would imagine myself being filled with love and health. yes, I started to eat some of the suggested foods also but not continuously like the meditation. I am absolutely delighted with the comparison report as my eyes no longer show this high level of toxicity and I have even managed to remove completely some of the BLACK fibers which is just unbelievable and very uplifting. I feel so grateful to have come across this treatment and especially Carolyn. her proffesional and compassionate nature allowed me to fully open up honestly and that's what allowed me to believe that I could make a difference. thank you so much for the work you do and the empowerment I received through you, I am truly grateful x" D

"⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐ was really curious after seeing lots of posts, about how your eyes can reveal underline health conditions. So I contacted in regards to something I was worried about. Simply sent photos, had an analysis same day, emailed to me. 100% reccomend, she could even tell I had asthma! I know feel 100% better. Thankyou so much 🙏" A

"⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ I requested an iridology review for my son. Issues correctly identified included asthma and stomach issues. He sometimes wakes up wheezing and occasionally has gets a sore stomach after eating, she suggested foods to avoid. Really pleased with the analysis. She also notes high energy and that is certainly correct!" L

" ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Went above and beyond. Thanks." T
